Successfully completed International Conference in June 2020, ENERGETIKA 2020, as probably the only successfully organized scientific-professional meeting in the field of technical sciences, held during the period of reduced intensity of the pandemic, obliges us to invite you to take part in the traditional International Conference. from June 22 to 25, 2021 on Zlatibor, at the Hotel Palisad. The high reputation that ENERGETIKA conferences enjoy in the professional domestic and international public implies the right timing and attractiveness of the upcoming XXXVI international conference called ENERGETIKA 2021 – MEETING THE GREEN RECOVERY. Our Conferences have definitely become the front line of the energy sector where science and the profession meet state and private companies and energy-related industries with the aim of tracing the paths of energy transition.
ENERGETIKA-2021-eng.pdf | pdf | 785 KB | Last Changed: 12/05/2021 8:15am
Marketing-program-eng.pdf | pdf | 819 KB | Last Changed: 12/05/2021 8:15am