RSLC 2019
We invite authors to send subject proposal including abstract and keywords by using Application for electronic paper submission available at www.bslz.org. Authors may register for either a paper or a poster presentation. Accepted papers will be published in proceedings, if additional conditions are met. Only papers on which at least one author has paid the registration fee will be published, also under condition that they will be presented at the conference (oral or poster presentation). The decision on how the paper will be presented at the conference is made by the scientific-program committee. One author can author at most three papers, and be the first author on two. In certain cases, the program committee can approve an exception from this rule. In order to submit a subject, one of the authors must have an account at the website www.bslz.org, which must be verified.
Important DEADLINESTitle and abstract submission – November 30, 2018Notification to authors – December 07, 2018Submission of papers and posters* – January 18, 2019Information about 1st review – February 04, 2019
Re-submission of papers and posters* – February 15, 2019
2nd review and acceptace info – February 22, 2019
Presentations submission – April 02, 2019
*Themes and papers submission must be done via the on-line paper submission application form, which will be locked at exactly 12:00 PM on the stated date.
First-announcement-RSLC-2019-eng.pdf | pdf | 938 KB | Last Changed: 20/11/2018 4:42pm
Marketing-program-Email-eng.pdf | pdf | 943 KB | Last Changed: 22/03/2019 10:31am