Hardworking people
behind the BBN Congress Management company

Branka Bjelica
Owner and Honorary Advisor

Branka Bjelica
Owner and Honorary Advisor
As an honorary advisor in BBN Congress Management, she participated in the preparation and implementation of all BBN meetings from the company's foundation until today. During her career, which she started in 1977 in the SAVA CENTER's Congress Affairs Service, where she became the head of the service in 1996, she independently organized over 500 different international and domestic gatherings (congresses, consultations, presentations, seminars, conferences, press conferences and etc.) and was part of the organizational team of all major projects. Due to her experience in event organization and staff selection, in 2005 she was hired by the EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a project manager for the selection and recruitment of students and secretary of delegations as local staff (a total of 247 hired staff).
- Phone:+381 112 682 318
- Email:bbn@bbn.co.rs

Marko Popović

Marko Popović
Marko Popović is a graduate manager - master of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, in the field of FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. He has been the director of BBN Congress Management since March 2009, after working as an organizer for a year, where he demonstrated extraordinary thoroughness in his approach to work, visionary thinking and leadership qualities, as well as an excellent sense of working with people. Before becoming part of the BBN team, he worked for the Coca-Cola Company in Maryland, USA, and then as a Client Relations Manager at the NBA Markant brokerage house in Belgrade.
- Phone:+381 113 629 405 +381 633 685 94
- Email:bbn@bbn.co.rs

Marija Marković
Project manager and creative force of BBN

Marija Marković
Project manager and creative force of BBN
Marija Marković is a graduate manager - master in PROJECT MANAGEMENT from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. He has been with BBN since 2008, where he participates in the organization of all important gatherings and conferences, either as a project manager or organizer. Due to her advanced knowledge of English and Spanish, natural inclination towards organization and spontaneity in communication with people, she has dealt with the organization of events before, by contributing to the implementation of numerous international festivals such as FIST (Festival of International Student Theatre), EYOF (European Youth Olympic Festival) and others.
- Phone:+381 113 629 402
- Email:marija.markovic.bbn@gmail.com

Maja Mandić

Maja Mandić
Maja Mandić is a graduate manager in the travel and tourism industry of Božidar Adžija University and a sports coach at the Higher School for Sports Coaches. She has been gaining experience in organizing events since 1990 as a judge and organizer of numerous competitions, domestic and international, in the field of rhythmic gymnastics, in which she herself participated as a younger person. As a permanent member of the BBN team, she joined in early 2013 and in addition to her indisputable managerial and organizational qualities, she brought a special cheerfulness and sportsmanship to the team.
- Phone:+381 112 682 318
- Email:maja.bbn@bbn.co.rs

Đurđija Dramlić
Marketing menadžer

Đurđija Dramlić
Marketing menadžer
Đurđija Dramlić graduated from the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management in Vrnjačka Banja. She acquired additional education within the educational program AkademIAA, organized by the professional association IAA Serbia. While she has been working with BBN for a decade on certain projects as an external associate, she recently became a permanent member of the team and brought significant experience and knowledge gained through engagement within hotel chains such as Marriott and Mama Shelter, and the company Imlek.
- Phone:+381 113 629 402
- Email:bbn@bbn.co.rs

Charlie Cooper
Front-End Dev

Charlie Cooper
Front-End Dev
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost orthographic life
One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com