Serbian Welding Society in cooperation with Welding associations of Romania and Bulgaria, and with support of the International Institute of Welding IIW and European Welding Federation – EWF organize 4th IIW South – East European Welding Congress.
Congress is organized according to procedures provided by the International welding institute for organizing international congresses, and as such it is treated by the International welding institute as Congress of the highest importance.
Congress will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, October 10-12, 2018.
This event is the biggest welding event in South-East Europe, which will gather over 300 experts from the region, Europe, and wider.
Subject of the Congress is Safe Welded Construction by High Quality Welding
Topics to be discussed at the congress:
- High Quality Welding (all regard welding technology, metallurgy and Joining Processes)
- Structural Integrity and Life of Welded Joints/Structures
- Welding of pipelines
- Education, qualification, certification of personal
Within the Congress, the regular conference under title WELDING 2018, will also be held, as well as a Workshop of the representatives of the welding associations from the region under title – How to improve welding in the region.
Abstracts can be submitted until February 28, 2018, to conference technical secretariat BBN, bbn@bbn.co.rs. More info about the event are given in the First Announcement, enclosed to this E-mail, and also on the conference web site www.seeiiw2018.duzs.org.rs.
All delivered papers will be reviewed and if accepted than published via Trans Tech Publications’s trademark www.scientific.net.
For all further questions, feel free to contact BBN, by phone to +381 11 3629402 and by E-mail to: bbn@bbn.co.rs.
First-Announcement.pdf | pdf | 903 KB | Last Changed: 09/02/2018 4:00pm
Sponsorship-Packages-Belgrade.pdf | pdf | 837 KB | Last Changed: 09/02/2018 4:00pm
program-welding-draft-version-V.pdf | pdf | 1.1 MB | Last Changed: 19/09/2018 1:56pm