Following the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and mission of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ), the European Foundation for Quality Management, and others, we are endeavoring to transfer the theory and practice of modern quality management to Serbia and other countries with less developed economies.
Among other reasons, less developed economies are a consequence of unapplied real quality management system in practice.
The key factors for understanding and successfully implementing quality management are the effective formal education within elementary schools, high schools and universities, as well as training for specialists in the industry.
After researching the level of inclusion of quality standards in the education systems of different countries, we will determine where and how the best results are achieved.
A scientific aspect has been added to the International Congress 2021, in order for event to achieve added value and attract authorities of the academic community worldwide related to quality management. Beside the usual topics, attention will also be drawn to Business Excellence, Innovation, Environment, Safety, Circular Economy etc.
Due to COVID 19 pandemic, scheduled 64. EOQ Congress on Quality 2020 has been cancelled. In 2021 health conditions for organizing a congress of such a large scale are still not met.
The decision was made to organize the ONLINE International congress on quality 2021 in Belgrade, Serbia.
In case the overall health situation allows, participants are welcomed to attend and join the Congress physically as well.
All information available at: https://iqcongress2021.srmek.org/.